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Asserting exceptions in async delegates

I'm using NUnit 3. I wrote an extension method:

public static T ShouldThrow<T>(this TestDelegate del) where T : Exception {
  return Assert.Throws(typeof(T), del) as T;

Which allows me to do this:

TestDelegate del = () => foo.doSomething(null);

Now I want something similar for async:

AsyncTestDelegate del = async () => await foo.doSomething(null);

So I wrote this:

public static async Task<T> ShouldThrowAsync<T>(this AsyncTestDelegate del) where T : Exception {
  return (await Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(T), del)) as T;

But that doesn't work: 'Exception' does not contain a definition for 'GetAwaiter' and no extension method 'GetAwaiter' accepting a first argument of type 'Exception' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) .

What am I doing wrong?

As far as I can tell, Assert.ThrowsAsync doesn't return a Task , and cannot be awaited. Remove await from your extension method.

public static T ShouldThrowAsync<T>(this AsyncTestDelegate del) where T : Exception {
  return Assert.ThrowsAsync(typeof(T), del) as T;

Example usage from the docs . Note that Assert.ThrowsAsync returns a MyException and that the await is in the delegate.

public class UsingReturnValue
  public async Task TestException()
    MyException ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync<MyException>(async () => await MethodThatThrows());

    Assert.That( ex.Message, Is.EqualTo( "message" ) );
    Assert.That( ex.MyParam, Is.EqualTo( 42 ) ); 

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