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Aurelia no such file or directory aurelia-fetch-client.js

I'm a beginner of Aurelia and learning to put code pieces together.


import "fetch";
import {HttpClient, json} from "aurelia-fetch-client";

let httpClient = new HttpClient();

export class ItemWithPicture {
    constructor() {
        this.heading = "Item with Picture";

The error I got is

{ [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\GitRepo\pictureRecord\n
     errno: -4058,
     code: 'ENOENT',
     syscall: 'open',
     path: 'C:\\GitRepo\\pictureRecord\\node_modules\\aurelia-fetch-client.js',
     moduleTree: [ 'itemWithPicture' ],
     fileName: 'C:/GitRepo/pictureRecord/src/itemWithPicture.js' },
  duration: [ 0, 2993168 ],
  time: 1470835605761 }

If you use the Aurelia CLI to create your project, install with npm aurelia-fetch-client.

$ npm install aurelia-fetch-client --save

if you use a base Unix system (mac or linux), i think in windows may be the same command.

After, inside your poject, in the folder aurelia_project in the file aurelia.json add these lines:

  "name": "aurelia-fetch-client",
  "path": "../node_modules/aurelia-fetch-client/dist/amd",
  "main": "aurelia-fetch-client"

In my case, i put inside the tags bundle eg.

"bundles": [
            "name": "vendor-bundle.js",
            "dependencies": [
                    "name": "aurelia-fetch-client",
                    "path": "../node_modules/aurelia-fetch-client/dist/amd",
                    "main": "aurelia-fetch-client"
               } ...

Or something like that.

First you need to npm install aurelia-fetch-client. After that, you need to go into the aurelia_project/aurelia.json file and add the following to the dependencies section:


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