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Headers null when making a CORS request with Aurelia-Fetch-Client

When attempting to retrieve headers from a response using the fetch API(wrapped by the Aurelia-fetch-client) the headers object is empty;

Here's my method to fetch customers

 public GetCustomers(): Promise<CustomerList> {

    let  customerList = new CustomerList();
    return this._http.fetch('/api/customers')
    .then(response => {

        let links = response.headers.get('Link');
        customerList.pagination.pageCount = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-Pagination.pageCount'));
        customerList.pagination.pageNumber = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-Pagination.pageNumber'));
        customerList.pagination.pageSize = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-Pagination.pageSize'));
        customerList.pagination.totalItems = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-Pagination.totalItems'));

        return  response.json() as any

    }).then(data =>{          
            item => {
                let customer: Customer = new Customer(this);
                Object.assign(customer, item);
            return customerList;  

Http Fetch configuration

constructor(private eventAggregator: EventAggregator, url: string) {

    this._http = new HttpClient();

    this._http.configure(config => {
                request(request) {
                    console.log(`Requesting ${request.method} ${request.url}`);
                    return request; // you can return a modified Request, or you can short-circuit the request by returning a Response
                response(response) {
                    console.log(`Received ${response.status} ${response.url}`);
                    return response; // you can return a modified Response
                'mode' : 'cors',
                headers: {
                    'Authorization': `Bearer ${localStorage.getItem('access_token')}`



Here's what we can see in Chrome. I'm exposing the headers i want.


As far as I understand, when using a CORS policy on the server, you need to specifically opt-in to headers in the response. ASP.NET Core has a "WithExposedHeaders" method for this https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.cors.infrastructure.corspolicybuilder.withexposedheaders?view=aspnetcore-2.0

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