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Apache Solr Search API default result filters

I'm using Solr with apache nutch to indexing website

My json result looks like this:

  "response": {
"numFound": 0,
"start": 0,
"docs": [
    "id": "http://mysite.pl/cl-BR/link/link",
    "url": "http://mysite.pl/cl-BR/link/link",
    "content": [
    "_version_": 0000
    "id": "http://mysite.pl/ru-RU/link/link",
    "url": "http://mysite.pl/ru-RU/link/link",
    "content": [
    "_version_": 0000
    "id": "http://mysite.pl/en-EN/link/link",
    "url": "http://mysite.pl/en-EN/link/link",
    "content": [
    "_version_": 0000

I would like to add parameter to my query, contains information about language into format for example like this: en-EN And next return only search result where url contains my parameter.

For example: My query is: /solr/CoreName/select?q=you&fl=id,ul,content&urlContains=en-EN

My result is:

  "response": {
"numFound": 0,
"start": 0,
"docs": [
    "id": "http://mysite.pl/en-EN/link/link",
    "url": "http://mysite.pl/en-EN/link/link",
    "content": [
    "_version_": 0000

And when my query is: /solr/CoreName/select?q=you&fl=id,ul,content&urlContains=ru-RU

My result is:

  "response": {
"numFound": 0,
"start": 0,
"docs": [
    "id": "http://mysite.pl/ru-RU/link/link",
    "url": "http://mysite.pl/ru-RU/link/link",
    "content": [
    "_version_": 0000

How can i do this?

The cleanest implementation would be to add a custom field in your schema, and then use copyField to copy the content from url to a url_tokenized field.

<copyField source="url" dest="url_tokenized" />

By using a PatternTokenizer you can tell Solr to split tokens by / , so that you get ru-RU as a token in the url_tokenized field:

    <tokenizer class="solr.PatternTokenizerFactory" pattern="/"/>

Which should give you something like:

<fieldType name="url_tokenized" class="solr.TextField">
    <tokenizer class="solr.PatternTokenizerFactory" pattern="/"/>
    <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/>

By adding the LowerCaseFilterFactory we'll make sure that ru-RU and ru-ru both are found regardless of casing used.

Querying would then be done by applying a filter query ( fq ) to the query string:


This will limit the response to documents that contains "/ru-ru/" somewhere in its URL.

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