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Aurelia Dynamically Bound Value Converter

I'm running into an issue with Aurelia and am assuming that there is something I am missing.

I'm trying to create a 'generic' grid. I have removed a lot of the html to keep the example short, but the basic idea is this:

<require from="../value-converters"></require>
  <table show.bind="rows.length">
        <th repeat.for="columnDefinition of columnDefinitions">
      <tr repeat.for="row of rows">
        <td repeat.for="columnDefinition of columnDefinitions">
          <span if.bind="columnDefinition.isCurrency">${row[columnDefinition.propertyName] | numeralFormatter}</span>
          <span if.bind="columnDefinition.isDate">${row[columnDefinition.propertyName] | dateFormatter}</span>
          <span if.bind="!columnDefinition.isCurrency && !columnDefinition.isDate &&">${row[columnDefinition.propertyName]}</span>

I want to be able to use the ValueConverters to help properly display certain types of column data. The above is currently working, but I want to have more value converters for other columns and the conditions will get unwieldy. My experience with Aurelia so far is that it offers fairly elegant solutions, but I have been unable to figure this one out as of yet.

I tried adding another property to the columnDefinition class like this formatter:string = undefined and then tried to create the spans like the following:

<span if.bind="columnDefinition.formatter">${row[columnDefinition.propertyName] | columnDefinition.formatter}</span>
<span if.bind="!columnDefinition.formatter">${row[columnDefinition.propertyName]}</span>

but the parser threw an error on the '.'.

Is there any way to achieve this? What is the 'aurelia-way' of dealing with this type of a problem.

Thanks in advance for any help that could be offered.

I ended up taking a similar approach to the one suggested by @Slyvain with a bit of a different twist:

import {DateValueConverter} from './date';
import {NumberValueConverter} from './number';
import {autoinject} from 'aurelia-framework';

export class MetaValueConverter {
    constructor(private date: DateValueConverter,
                private number: NumberValueConverter) {

    public toView(value, valueConverter, format) {
        /* JUSTIFICATION: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38898440/aurelia-dynamically-bound-value-converter#comment-65199423 */
        /* tslint:disable:no-string-literal */
        if (this[valueConverter] && this[valueConverter].toView) {
            return this[valueConverter].toView(value, format);
        } else {
            return value;

    public fromView(val, valueConverter, format) {
        if (this[valueConverter] && this[valueConverter].fromView) {
            return this[valueConverter].fromView(value, format);
        } else {
            return value;

Original code can be found here .

Hope this helps.

I followed @peinearydevelopment and went one step further again to create a fully dynamic value converter.

Usage is as follows ${myValue | dynamic:converterKey:converterArgs} ${myValue | dynamic:converterKey:converterArgs} or simply ${myValue | dynamic:converterKey} ${myValue | dynamic:converterKey} if no additional arguments are required. The converterKey is used to request a value converter that should be registered with the container. converterArgs is the array of arguments that you'd pass to the toView & fromView functions.

import { autoinject, Container } from 'aurelia-dependency-injection';

export type ValueConverterKey = new (...args: any[]) => object;

type ValueConverterFunc = (...args: any[]) => any;

interface ValueConverter {
  toView?: ValueConverterFunc;
  fromView?: ValueConverterFunc;

export class DynamicValueConverter {
      private container: Container,
    ) { }

    public toView(value: any, converterKey?: ValueConverterKey, ...converterArgs: any[]) {
      if (!converterKey) {
        return value;

      return this.convertValueIfPossible(value, converterKey, converterArgs, 'toView');

    public fromView(value: any, converterKey?: ValueConverterKey, ...converterArgs: any[]) {
      if (!converterKey) {
        return value;

      return this.convertValueIfPossible(value, converterKey, converterArgs, 'fromView');

    private convertValueIfPossible(value: any, converterKey: ValueConverterKey, converterArgs: any[], func: keyof ValueConverter) {
      let converter = this.container.get(converterKey);

      if (converter) {
        let converterFunc = converter[func];

        if (converterFunc) {
          return converterFunc.call(converter, value, ...converterArgs);

      return value;

Have you considered using a single <span> with a single general purpose converter that takes the column definition as a parameter and that delegates to the right converter? I think that would make the component markup simpler.

<span>${row[columnDefinition.propertyName] | formatCell:columnDefinition}</span>

And inside the formatter:

export class FormatCell {
  toView(value, columnDefinition){
        return new CurrencyConverter().toView(value);

        return new DateConverter().toView(value);

    return value;

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