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How to validate dynamically bound drop down in aurelia?

My HTML code

 <select value.bind="selectedValue & validate"> <option value="0">Add Location Type</option> <option repeat.for="item of listOfValuesFromDB" model.bind="item.TeamLocationTypeId">${item.Name}</option> </select>

My VM has

ValidationRules.ensure('selectedValue').inclusion({ within: [1, 2, 3], fullMessages: true, message: 'Please select an Item' });

Suppose, if i select within [1,2,3] from the dropdown list, it just works fine by no throwing any validation. But since the list has growing dynamic data, it will throw error if i select anything else apart from 1,2,3.

I am new to Aurelia framework. Please help.

If you're just looking to ensure that the user selects an item other than "0", you could use the following validation code:


And remove value="0" from your default option tag.

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