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how to make confirm password validation cakephp with hashing it

I'm using cakephp 2.xx, I want to hashing password with sha256 before it going to database, before it I wanna make validation value password in my form input, validation which check password input and re-confirm password is match, if In my controller, when form catch validation, the password automatically hash

if ($this->request->data['Driver']['password'] != $this->request->data['Driver']['confirm_password']) {
      $this->request->data['Driver']['password'] = hash('sha256',$this->request->data['Driver']['password']);

necessarily, the password hash when form no catch validate at all, so how can I make validation in my model ?

Thanks In Advance.

In your model (Driver.php)


    public $validate = array(

        'password' => array(
            'notempty' => array(
                'rule' => array('notempty'),                            
                'message'=>'Password Confirmation must match Password',                         

Custom validation rule

    public function password_confirm(){ 
        if ($this->data['Driver']['password'] !== $this->data['Driver']['password_confirmation']){
            return false;       
        return true;

Hashing,but I think that better to choose AuthComponent

    public function beforeSave($options = array()) {        
        $this->data['Driver']['password'] = hash('sha256',$this->data['Driver']['password']);   
        return true;        

It's overall description and you probably would need to modify some parts of it

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