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flask-security roles_required with pluggable views

I'm trying to require a role to access a view that I've defined as a MethodView. However, I can't seem to get the route to be named correctly.

If I simply require logging in with a decorator everything works:

activities = Blueprint("activities", __name__, url_prefix="/activities")

class ActivitiesView(MethodView):
    def get():

    def post():

view = login_required(ActivitiesView.as_view("activities"))
activities.add_url_rule('/', view_func=view)

I get the desired route name, ie activities.activities :

>>> current_app.url_map
 <Rule '/activities/' (HEAD, POST, OPTIONS, GET) -> activities.activities>,

However, when I try to use roles_required , the name of the route is mangled and the POST method is no longer listed:

view = roles_required("experimenter", ActivitiesView.as_view("activities"))
activities.add_url_rule('/', view_func=view)

>>> current_app.url_map
 <Rule '/activities/' (HEAD, OPTIONS, GET) -> activities.wrapper>,

Switching the arguments to add_url_rule doesn't change anything. How can I use roles_required without messing up the route name?

Doing this fixes the route name, but not the missing POST method:

view = roles_required("experimenter", endpoint="activities", ActivitiesView.as_view("activities"))
activities.add_url_rule('/', view_func=view)

The solution is to call the decorator:

view = roles_required("experimenter")(ActivitiesView.as_view("activities"))
activities.add_url_rule('/', view_func=view)


decorators = [roles_required("experimenter")]

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