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Android Studio not starting up on windows 10

So I have installed android studio and also downloaded JRE and JDK succesfully; even tested it through command prompt. I have even made enviroment variables that tell me to paste the path of JDK to JAVA_HOME and bin path to PATH. But still whenever I start Android studio It gets stuck after almost loading ie on this screen


Please help; I have even tried reinstalling everything from the scratch but m still stuck. And even rebooted my PC every time to make sure it is been done properly.

PS: When I monitored this process through task manager It consumed Disk and memory till the point where it is in screen shot after that disk usage goes to 0 and memory stays constant. I know its what it is supposed to be but just mentioning

Thanks in advance

Delete the AndroidStudio folder resolved my issues (after a big upgrade).

On Windows 10 x64 2020 this is


There you'll find an AndroidStudio folder. Delete it.

As documented in Android docs https://developer.android.com/studio/known-issues

Here is a collection of things to try to rectify the situation. Without more information this is very broad:

  • rouge JAVA versions (competing JREs / SDKs, Windows is very bad at handling multiple java versions as opposed by Linux)
  • An AVD wasn't shut down cleanly. Clear our all lockout files for the AVD in question and restart
  • disconnect your android device during startup
  • adb kill-server & adb start-server during the hang
  • clear out your android-studio %app-data% files
  • uninstall Android-SDK if separately installed
  • remove ANDROID_SDK_HOME, ANDROID_HOME from your environment variables
  • update to the latest Android-Studio version
  • add this property: -Ddisable.android.first.run=true
  • ensure to have permissions to read/write to %appdata%
  • ensure enough disk space is available
  • ensure enough RAM is available

Also kill all lingering JAVA processes via the task manager between tries.


Also, sometimes you may just need to wait a while. When I was behind a proxy that limited the download of zip and rar files Android Studio downloaded gradle and dependencies with a whopping 10kb/s . After 10 minutes I connected my cellular network and started up in 10 seconds. (Also check if the sites are not blocked completely)

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