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WebApi controller not found in ASP.NET MVC

I'm writing a asp.net web service which contains a web controller. today I add a new webapi controller to my project, when I send a request to oldest controller everything is ok and I get correct response. but when I send a request to new one, my browser(MS Edge) returns this error:

HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). (XHR): POST - http://localhost:3982/api/ViewTemplates

It returns error while both of controllers are in a same namespace and place together in a folder.

I try defining my new request path


manually in WebApiConfig.cs but it doesn't work so I change this class to it's default configuration.

can you help me?



HTTP404: NOT FOUND - The server has not found anything matching the requested URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). (XHR): POST - http://localhost:3982/api/ViewTemplates

This Error means the url you are requesting on this link http://localhost:3982/api/ViewTemplates not exists. Check folder path or project path directory.

Second thing is most of filenames in asp project has .aspx at the end like this http://localhost:3982/api/ViewTemplates.aspx

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