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How to remove blank table rows In iReport

I'm searching for a while now and everything that I tried doesn't work. I'm using iReport to design a custom report and I'm not able to remove blank rows in my table.

Indeed, sometimes I have some null values on the entire row so I've checked the "BlankWhenNull" box in iReport. But to avoid blank spaces I've also checked the "RemoveBlankLine" box and set my textfield positions to float but it doesn't work for me.

Here's a screenchot of what I get and what I would : I know that the fields are not correctly in the columns but it actually doesn't matter, I'm just testing.

Here's what I get: 这就是我得到的 As you can see there is some white space due to lines removed

Here's what I would: 这就是我想要的 And here there is no white spaces as I would

I'm using table component as subreport and it seems to be a very different use.

Here is the JRXML file : http://pastebin.com/7tBQU3MD

try this:


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