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hide element after line-break

I'm trying to build a responsive footer, but this is maybe interesting for other responsive elements, too.

Is there a possibility to hide an element, if the line breaks at its position?

John Doe · Main Street 123 · Sometown · +12 3456 789

I want for wide screens:

John Doe · Main Street 123 · Sometown · 012 3456 789

And for smaller screens then for example:

John Doe · Main Street 123 · Sometown
012 3456 789


John Doe · Main Street 123
Sometown · 012 3456 789


So the dividing dot disappears if there is a line break, because it's no more needed and does not look nice at the end or beginning of a line.

Edit: Some possible markup

John&nbsp;Doe<span class="hide-when-linebreak"> · </span>Main&nbsp;Street&nbsp;123<span class="hide-when-linebreak"> · </span>Sometown<span class="hide-when-linebreak"> · </span>+12&nbsp;3456&nbsp;789

Haven't found any solution for this, maybe there is an idea how to start?


You could use this JavaScript function to dynamically set the footer contents on page load and every resize of the window:

 $(window).on('resize load', function() { var footer = 'John Doe · Main Street 123 · Sometown · +12 3456 789' + ' · jd@example.com · www.example.com'; footer = footer.trim().replace(/&/g, '&amp;') // encode HTML entities .replace(/</, '&lt;') .replace(/([^·])\\s+/g, '$1&nbsp;'); // don't allow breaks here var $footer = $('footer'); var html = ''; // actual content to be put in footer var height = 0; // actual height of the footer footer.split(/· /).forEach(function (part, i) { $footer.html(html + (i ? '· ': '') + part); // try, and see what we get // Depending on height increase, place a break or a non-breaking space $footer.html(html += (i ? ($footer.height() > height ? '<br>' : '·&nbsp;') : '') + part); height = $footer.height(); }); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <footer></footer> 

You can't do that based on the line break per say, but you can achieve pretty much the same effect using a simple media query.

Edit: looks like StackOverflow doesn't work with breakpoints… here's a pen: http://codepen.io/memoblue/pen/oLVEOX

 div { display: inline; } @media (max-width: 600px) { div { display: block; } .sm-hidden { display: none; } } 
 <footer> <div>John Doe · Main Street 123 <span class="sm-hidden">·</span></div><div> Sometown · +12 3456 789</div> </footer> 

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