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Passing Javascript variable to Django views.py with getJSON

I currently have a javascript variable called myVariableToSend that contains a single string and I need to send to my views where I can make raw SQL queries to gather corresponding data from the database and bring it back to my javascript. Here is what I have:


function scriptFunction(myVariableToSend){

        $.getJSON("", myVariableToSend, function(serverdata){


def getData(request):
    some_data = request.GET(myVariableToSend)
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SELECT Car_ID FROM cars WHERE Carname = %s ", [some_data])
    row = cursor.fetchall()
    return JsonResponse(row, safe = False)


url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
url(r'^$', startpage),
url(r'^getData/$', getData ),

I don't think my server side script(views.py) is working because when I run my server, I get a http500 error. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


I have found that when I comment out my entire Views.py and only put

def getData(request):

return JsonResponse({"hello":"World"}, safe = False)

I get no problems and the AJAX request works. But when I have my original getData, it doesn't work. When I add this line in my views.py:

some_data = request.GET(myVariableToSend)

, I get an error and the data isn't displayed

If u want to send ur variables to function in view, u can capture it with url, like this:

$.getJSON('' + myVariableToSend +'/', function (serverdata) { //do ur work}

Then in urls.py you have:

url(r'getData/(?P<my_var>\w+)/$', views.get_data, name='get_data')

Then views.py:

def get_data(request, my_var):
#do ur work here

Answering the original question:

Your server is failing probably because bad syntax in views.py

some_data = request.GET(myVariableToSend)

myVariableToSend is undefined here. So you should get it like this:

some_data = request.GET['myVariableToSend']

Besides the original question:

You'll get a lot of headaches if you try to set up your django app like this.You can query your database way easier if you use django's ORM. Read about it here .

Also, if you want to send the data in your models to your javascript code, you can save yourself lots of time by using a framework like Django REST Framework .

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