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RxJS Observable.fromEvent data

How can I attach event data to a Observable.fromEvent ?

In my example I have the following array of objects

var people = [
    { name: "Bert", img: "" },
    { name: "Enrie", img: "" },
    { name: "Elmo", img: "" }

I want to create a clickStream with a data.src something like:

clickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(li, 'click', { src :  people[p].img });

And then subscribe to it:

clickStream.subscribe(function(event) {
    $('#img')[0].src = event.data.src;

API documentation for fromEvent method


I created a JsFiddle of my example , note in the console log the event has a data object which is undefined - How do I assign it?

Note: I am not using a event emitter but a native DOM event

You were pretty close.

Refers to the API documentation for the fromEvent method, the third argument should be a function which can take arguments, and return a single object.

so you have to do :

Rx.Observable.fromEvent(li, 'click', _ => { return { src: elm.img } })

Then when you will subscribe to this, you will get an object with the src property.

Moreover, I have updated your code to make it in a functional way

  const people = [
        { name: "Bert", img: "http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/muppet/images/e/e1/Bert_smile.png/revision/latest?cb=20110630173259" },
        { name: "Enrie", img: "http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/muppet/images/4/41/Ernie-RubberDuckie.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110423180533" },
        { name: "Elmo", img: "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/74/Elmo_from_Sesame_Street.gif" }

  const ul = $('#list');

  const clickStream  = people.map((elm) => {
    const li = $('<li />');
    li.data('src', elm.img);
    return Rx.Observable.fromEvent(li, 'click', _ => { return { src: elm.img } })
  }).reduce((a, b) => Rx.Observable.merge(a, b), Rx.Observable.empty())

  clickStream.subscribe(e => console.log(e))

Feel free to check the updated JsFiddle

I am not sure if I understood properly your use case, but if you want to add something to the event object passed by the listener, then just do it with a map :

clickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(li, 'click').map(function (event){
  return {
    event : event,
    data : { src :  people[p].img }

This in particular will be better than inserting directly the data property in the event. event should be inmutable.

Or you could use the selector overload (to test, never actually used that selector function):

clickStream = Rx.Observable.fromEvent(li, 'click', function (event){
  return {
    event : event,
    data : { src :  people[p].img }

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