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Ctrl+C not copying to Clipboard for WPF DataGrid

I'm using a standard data grid defined below. The itemssource is bound in the code behind after some calculations are done.

        <DataGrid Name="TimeDataGrid" Block.TextAlignment="Center" FontSize="14" SelectionMode="Extended" SelectionUnit="Cell" ClipboardCopyMode="ExcludeHeader" AutoGeneratingColumn="OFMDataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn">
                    <MenuItem Command="Copy"/>
                    <KeyBinding Key="C" Modifiers="Control" Command="Copy" />

The problem I am having is related to copying the data. When I ctrl+A to select all cells and the right-click, copy, it will select the data and add it to the clipboard. However, if I use ctrl+c, nothing gets put to the clipboard.

This is my first time posting here and I have read just about every suggestion ranging from the simplest adding of the applicationcommands to modifying oncopytoclipboard type events and nothing seems to work. I feel like I am missing something that should be obvious.

Thank you to anyone who can help.

Try this:

<!-- This is required to handle CTRL + C when something is selected in the DataGrid -->
        <CommandBinding Command="Copy" Executed="CopyCommand" />

    <!-- This is required to handle CTRL + C when something is selected in the DataGrid -->
        <KeyBinding Key="C" Modifiers="Control" Command="Copy" />

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