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xpath compile using java - NodeList with particular node value

<data xmlns:fsd="abc.org" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
<meta name="elapsed-time" value="46" />
<family-member id="5">
<document-id document-id-type="docdb">
<family-member id="2">
<document-id document-id-type="docdb">

From the above xml i want to extract country and date node value, below are my java code

NodeList familyMembers = (NodeList) xPath.compile("//family-member//publication-reference//document-id[@document-id-type=\"docdb\"]//text()").evaluate(xmlDocument,XPathConstants.NODESET);

 ArrayList mainFamily = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < familyMembers.getLength(); i++) {

but its extract all the three node value ( country, doc-number and date ), but i need only the two node value ( country and date ), in the for loop how should i pass the requested node value?

Once you selected a document-id node, the // operator selects its ALL descendants,
then text() converts each of them into a string. If you want to process only some of the descentant nodes, just list them (build an explicit sequence of sub-elements).
You can also get rid of expensive (and superfluous here!) // operators.
Try replacing the query with
"//family-member/publication-reference/document-id[@document-id-type=\\"docdb\\"]/(country, date)/text()"

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