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How to use buttonSelected in Roku Scenegraph application

I am making a user entry using KeyBoard dialog. I have kept two buttons "OK" and "CANCEL". But on using buttonSelected it is calling both the button using observeField. Now, can anyone tell me how to use buttonSelected index for getting action while clicking on one button as OK and Cancel

sub init()
  m.top.backgroundURI = "pkg:/images/rsgde_bg_hd.jpg"

  example = m.top.findNode("instructLabel")

  examplerect = example.boundingRect()
  centerx = (1280 - examplerect.width) / 2
  centery = (720 - examplerect.height) / 2
  example.translation = [ centerx, centery ]

end sub

sub showdialog()
  keyboarddialog = createObject("roSGNode", "KeyboardDialog")
  keyboarddialog.backgroundUri = "pkg:/images/rsgde_dlg_bg_hd.9.png"
  keyboarddialog.title = "Example Keyboard Dialog"


  m.top.dialog = keyboarddialog
  print "hello"
' KeyboardDialog.observeField("buttonSelected","onKeyPressCancel")
 print "world"
end sub

function onKeyPress()
    print "m.value:::>>"m.top.dialog.text
end Function
function onKeyPressCancel()

    print "Screen should close"
end Function

function onKeyEvent(key as String, press as Boolean) as Boolean
  if press then
    if key = "OK"

      return true
    end if

    end if

  return false
end function


Here, Create one function for the dialog box. Inside a dialog box write observe field it's used Like below Example: First Parameter is a "Field name" and Another Parameter is a "Function name" .

m.top.dialog.observeField("buttonSelected","onVerifyURL") .

Below Function is a point to observe field Second Parameter "onVerifyURL" .

sub onVerifyURL()

 if m.top.dialog.buttonSelected = 0

       print "ok button pressed" 'O is called first
       'function call for OK

 else if m.top.dialog.buttonSelected = 1  

       print "cancel button pressed" '1 is called second
       'm.top.dialog.visible = false  
       'm.top.dialog.close = true
       'function call for Cancel

       print "nothing press" ' this is not required for code just write for an understanding

 end if

end sub

您是否检查过事件中的buttonSelected内部buttonSelected ;-)


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