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install.packages(“car”) on R 3.0.2 fails in Ubuntu 14.04

I'm trying to do some linear regression models and I really need the package "car" but I can't install it.

Warning message: package 'car' is not available (for R version 3.0.2)

Anyone knows what can I do to solve this?

Thank you very much

Your proximal problem is that the current version of car on CRAN depends on R >= 3.2.0.

Farther upstream, the problem is that Ubuntu releases ship with the version of R that was current at the release time, and R evolves very quickly. Your best bet is to follow the updating/installation directions for Ubuntu on CRAN , ie add

deb https://cloud.r-project.org/bin/linux/ubuntu trusty/

to /etc/apt/sources.list (or via whatever package management tools you prefer), then sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade .

If it's absolutely necessary that you stick with that version of R, it's possible to download and install older versions from the archived versions of car on CRAN , but it's a bit of a rabbit hole ...

It is possible that your default repository did not have "car" package. Try

install.packages("car", dependencies=TRUE, repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')

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