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XPath testing text in child elements?

I have HTML with a table-like format (not <table> ). I need to check if the given row has all the values.

<div id="rows">
  <div class="row">
  <div class="row">

How do I check using xpath if this has Java AND Ruby within a single row ?

I tried //p[text()='Java' and text()='Ruby'] but didn't quite work. Also tried //div[@id='rows']//p[contains(text(),'Java') and contains(text(),'Ruby')]

Try using below xpath :-

//div[normalize-space(.) = 'Java Ruby']


//div[@class = 'row' and contains(.,'Java') and contains(.,'Ruby')]

or If you want div with id rows with multiple contains try as :-

//div[@id= 'rows' and contains(.,'Java') and contains(.,'Ruby')]

This XPath,

//div[@class='row' and p='Java' and p='Ruby']

will select all div/@class='row' elements with Java and Ruby string values among the p children.

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