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How can I assign a value to a variable by passing a string of its name?


int XValue;
int YValue;

void AssignValue(string VariableName,int VariableValue)
    VariableName = VariableValue;

void CallAV()
    AssignValue("XValue", 10);
    AssignValue("YValue", 15);


So, basically i want to change the value of a variable by knowing its name.

What you're looking for is collectively called Reflection . Specifically, you want to use Type.GetField() . You could do something like this:

void AssignValue(string VariableName, int VariableValue)
    // Get the non-public instance variable (field)
    FieldInfo field = GetType().GetField(VariableName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

    // Set the variable's value for this instance of the type
    field.SetValue(this, VariableValue);

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