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AngularJS - Toggle class on specific button using ng-class directive


myApp.directive('vlcObject', function ($compile, $rootScope, $timeout, $window) {
var vlcPlayerId = '';
var linker = function (scope, element, attrs) {

scope.muteClass = 'fa fa-volume-on';

<button id=mute_uniqId ng-click="doMute(uniqId)"><i ng-class="muteClass"></i></button>

scope.doMute = function(uniqId){
    var vlc = scope.getVLC("vlc");
     if (vlc && vlc.playlist.isPlaying) {
        scope.controlClass = 'fa fa-volume-off';
        scope.controlClass = 'fa fa-volume-on';

return {
    restrict: "E",
    link: linker


If there are multiple buttons, toggling class is applied to every button.

  1. How do I toggle class to button which is clicked and not every other button using ng-class directive ? ie scope.controlClass should be applied only to button which is clicked.

Use $event

You can pass $event to the doMute function.

So the doMute function become:

scope.nomuteClass = 'fa fa-volume-on';
scope.muteClass = 'fa fa-volume-off';
scope.doMute = function(uniqId, event){
        var vlc = scope.getVLC("vlc");
         if (vlc && vlc.playlist.isPlaying) {
        } else{

And your element:

<button id=mute_uniqId ng-click="doMute(uniqId, $event)"><i></i></button>

Here is my comment as an answer + a response to your feedback:

1) In your JS code, you should use:

$scope.doMute = function(...) {...} ;


$scope.muteClass = 'fa fa-volume-on';

if you want Angular to perform bi-directional binding. Angular's object is $scope and not scope , and NO , scope is NOT a directive.

Last, your HTML should be:

<button id=mute_uniqId ng-click="doMute(uniqId)"><i ng-class="{{muteClass}}"></i></button>

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