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Renaming dynamically created controls

In my project, I was dynamically creating panels as per the user input. Each panel has a "Remove button". As the button is clicked the panel should be removed. But in order to hide it/ or delete the panel I need the button-id which is getting named automatically and I was not able to rename it.

input type="submit" name="ctl00$MainContent$ctl04" value="Copy PDF and Post Script files!"
usesubmitbehavior="false" EnableViewState="true" type="Button" id="645" name="645" />

addButtonCopyFiles[i].Attributes["id"] = templateId[i].Text;
addButtonCopyFiles[i].Attributes["name"] = templateId[i].Text;

This is how I named them, but the name doesn't get replaced. I even removed the "runat", "server" attribute.

Any help will be appreciated

The ID property of a Control can be explicitly set before it is added to the page.

Replace this code:

addButtonCopyFiles[i].Attributes["id"] = templateId[i].Text; 
addButtonCopyFiles[i].Attributes["name"] = templateId[i].Text; 

With this code:

addButtonCopyFiles[i].ID = templateId[i].Text;

In your dynamic creation, set the panel css class to contain the same dynamic ID as the button. You don't say whether you are removing the panel server or client side, but I'm assuming hiding it client side is enough.

addButtonCopyFiles[i].Attributes["id"] = templateId[i].Text;
addButtonCopyFiles[i].Attributes["name"] = templateId[i].Text;

dynamicPanel.CssClass = "dynamicPanel_" + templateId[i].Text;

//jQuery button click event
function removePanel(id){
    $(".dynamicPanel_" + id).hide();

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