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Change display style property of a div using Javascript

I'm trying to display a div onclick of a btn by changing the style property of the div. But I can't read the display property of that div. I read somewhere that the code doesn't work because the script tries to get the value before the div has loaded so the script should be triggered after window.onload. How do I make the script work after window has loaded but only when the button has been clicked ?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css"> 
display: none;
<script type="text/javascript">
function showMe() {
   var foo = document.getElementById('hidden-div');
   alert(foo.style.display); //this gives a blank alert

   if(foo.style.display == ''){
    foo.style.display = 'block';
   else {
    foo.style.display == 'none';
  <input type="button" id="btn-me" onclick="showMe()">+ clicking here should display the checkboxes</input><br>

  <div id="hidden-div">

  <input type="checkbox" id="check-1"> Check 1</input>
  <input type="checkbox" id="check-2"> Check 2</input>
  <input type="checkbox" id="check-3"> Check 3</input>


Something to note: == is for comparison, = is for assignment. Also, there are no closing input tags. Here's the finished snippet:

 function showMe() { var foo = document.getElementById('hidden-div'); if(foo.style.display == '' || foo.style.display == 'none'){ foo.style.display = 'block'; } else { foo.style.display = 'none'; } } 
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <title>JS Bin</title> </head> <body> <input type="button" id="btn-me" onclick="showMe()">+ clicking here should display the checkboxes</input><br> <div id="hidden-div" style="display:none;"> <input type="checkbox" id="check-1"> Check 1 <br> <input type="checkbox" id="check-2"> Check 2 <br> <input type="checkbox" id="check-3"> Check 3 </div> </body> </html> 

I also changed some logic. If the display is none, and the button is clicked, toggle the visibility. If display is not none, then make it none.

The thing is element.style.<style> is only accessible if the style is set inline.

foo.style.display only works for styling that has been set inline, not for stylehseets or blocks. For that you would use getComputedStyle :

 function showMe() { var elem = document.getElementById("hidden-div"); var foo = window.getComputedStyle(elem, null); if (foo.getPropertyValue("display") == 'none') { elem.style.display = 'block'; } else { elem.style.display = 'none'; } } 
 #hidden-div { display: none; } 
 <input type="button" id="btn-me" onclick="showMe()">+ clicking here should display the checkboxes <br> <div id="hidden-div"> <input type="checkbox" id="check-1"> Check 1 <br> <input type="checkbox" id="check-2"> Check 2 <br> <input type="checkbox" id="check-3"> Check 3 </div> 

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