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Python drag and drop

Im working on a parser here that opens a file, reads it and prints data in another file.

The input file is determined from sys.argv[1] to both handle commandline opening and drag and drop (in windows). However, when drag and dropping a file, it gives me

ioerror 13: Permission denied

Looking at what sys.argv contained, I did the following (from cmd.exe) to have it contain the same:

C:\>python C:\test\iotest.py C:\test\iotestin.txt

It failed. However, the following works

C:\>cd test
C:\test>python iotest.py iotestin.txt

To me, the above would/should be virtually the same.

  • Why do I get the permission error?
  • How do I make python able to handle fully specified paths? (If thats the problem.)
  • How do I enable drag and drop?

Oh, and if its unclear, I drag the input/txt file to the python file, not the other way around. As a coder, I always prefer a CLI, but the future users of this software do not, hence I need to get this working.

Although extremely simple, heres some code to reproduce the problem:

import sys
print sys.argv

    print "opening",sys.argv[1]
    infile = open(sys.argv[1])
    outfile = open("out.txt", "w")
except IndexError:
    print "usage:",sys.argv[0].split("\\")[-1],"FILE"
except IOError as (errno, strerror):
    print "I/O error({0}): {1}".format(errno, strerror)


You use outfile = open("out.txt", "w") - In the first example, this would go to c:\out.txt, which I'd imagine is the source of your error.

The working directory may be in C:\Window\System32 when get error: IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: or 13: Permission denied.

So you need to change to the script or input file directory firstly. Such as:


If you want to change to the folder of input file, try:


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