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MongoDB auto-increment key in Document C#

I want to test Real Time Data Series performance using MongoDB, but I'm getting some trouble while updating the document.

I want something like the following structure:

 timestamp_minute: ISODate("2013-10-10T23:06:00.000Z"),
 type: "memory_used",
 values: {
   0: 999999,
   37: 1000000,
   38: 1500000,
   59: 2000000

The thing is that I can't seem to update the "values" BsonDocument accordingly because both the key and value are integers. I've tried inc but no luck.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

I see want you want to do, update after reading you comment. There are various ways of doing :)

From the blog you mention in the comment, what you do is create a single document with an array size of 60 (every second), that way you can update your document with :

    timestamp_minute: ISODate("2013-10-10T23:06:00.000Z"),
    type: ”memory_used”
  {$set: {“values.59”: 2000000 } }

Where .59 is the second you want to update. so just call the update every second when upsert is set to true the first update creates the document

When using c# as mentioned by you you could do something like:

if (second==0){
//insert the "new" timestamped object into the collection
var update = Builders<Metric>.Update.Set(e => e.values[second], this.getRandomMetric());

This should give you a document with a value array of 59 items.

But for reporting it's not really a go i think, why not just store it in a single document?

     timestamp_minute: ISODate("2013-10-10T23:06:01.000Z"),
     type: "memory_used",
     value: 999999
     timestamp_minute: ISODate("2013-10-10T23:06:37.000Z"),
     type: "memory_used", 
     value: 1000000
     timestamp_minute: ISODate("2013-10-10T23:06:59.000Z"),
     type: "memory_used",
     value: 2000000

If you are interested in limited history just put it in a capped collection . You can always group the averages and put them in an other collection. For this you can use the aggregation framework with the $out operator . For example group the values per type per hour or something like that, whatever fits your needs ;-).

So I figured it out, not really sure if it is the best approach but it works. Hope it helps someone too.

var update = Builders<Metric>.Update.Set(e => e.values["0"], this.getRandomMetric()).Inc(e => e.numberOfRecords, 1);

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