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Amazon Java SDK - Upload to S3

I am using the Amazon Java SDK to upload files to Amazon s3

Whilst using version 1.10.62 of the artifact aws-java-sdk - the following code worked perfectly - Note all the wiring behind the scenes works

 public boolean uploadInputStream(String destinationBucketName, InputStream inputStream, Integer numberOfBytes, String destinationFileKey, Boolean isPublic){

    try {
        ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata();
        PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(destinationBucketName, destinationFileKey, inputStream, metadata);

        if (isPublic) {
        } else {

        final Upload myUpload = amazonTransferManager.upload(putObjectRequest);

        myUpload.addProgressListener(new ProgressListener() {
            // This method is called periodically as your transfer progresses
            public void progressChanged(ProgressEvent progressEvent) {
                LOG.info(myUpload.getProgress().getPercentTransferred() + "%");
                LOG.info("progressEvent.getEventCode():" + progressEvent.getEventCode());
                if (progressEvent.getEventCode() == ProgressEvent.COMPLETED_EVENT_CODE) {
                    LOG.info("Upload complete!!!");

        long uploadStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long startTimeInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long logGap = 1000 *  loggingIntervalInSeconds;

        while (!myUpload.isDone()) {

            if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeInMillis >= logGap) {
                logUploadStatistics(myUpload, Long.valueOf(numberOfBytes));
                startTimeInMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long totalUploadDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - uploadStartTime;
        float totalUploadDurationSeconds = Float.valueOf(totalUploadDuration) / 1000;
        String uploadedPercentageStr = getFormattedUploadPercentage(myUpload);
        boolean isUploadDone = myUpload.isDone();

        if (isUploadDone) {
            Object[] params = new Object[]{destinationFileKey, totalUploadDuration, totalUploadDurationSeconds};
            LOG.info("Successfully uploaded file {} to Amazon. The upload took {} milliseconds ({} seconds)", params);
            result = true;
        LOG.debug("Post put the inputStream to th location {}", destinationFileKey); 
     } catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
         LOG.error("AmazonServiceException:{}", e);
         result = false;
    } catch (AmazonClientException e) {
        LOG.error("AmazonServiceException:{}", e);
        result = false;

    LOG.debug("Exiting uploadInputStream - result:{}", result);
    return result;

Since I migrated to version 1.11.31 of the aws-java-sdk - this code stopped working All classes remain intact and there were no warnings in my IDE

However - I do see the following logged to my console

 [2016-09-06 22:21:58,920] [s3-transfer-manager-worker-1] [DEBUG] com.amazonaws.requestId - x-amzn-RequestId: not available
[2016-09-06 22:21:58,931] [s3-transfer-manager-worker-1] [DEBUG] com.amazonaws.request - Received error response: com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.AmazonS3Exception: Moved Permanently (Service: null; Status Code: 301; Error Code: 301 Moved Permanently; Request ID: D67813C8A11842AE), S3 Extended Request ID: 3CBHeq6fWSzwoLSt3J7D4AUlOaoi1JhfxAfcN1vF8I4tO1aiOAjqB63sac9Oyrq3VZ4x3koEC5I=

The upload still continues but from the progress listener - the event code is 8 which stands for transfer failed

Does anyone have any idea what I need to do to get this chunk of code working again?

Thank you Damien

try changing it to this: public void progressChanged(ProgressEvent progressEvent) { LOG.info(myUpload.getProgress().getPercentTransferred() + "%"); LOG.info("progressEvent.getEventCode():" + progressEvent.getEventType()); if (progressEvent.getEventType() == ProgressEventType.TRANSFER_COMPLETED_EVENT) { LOG.info("Upload complete!!!"); } } public void progressChanged(ProgressEvent progressEvent) { LOG.info(myUpload.getProgress().getPercentTransferred() + "%"); LOG.info("progressEvent.getEventCode():" + progressEvent.getEventType()); if (progressEvent.getEventType() == ProgressEventType.TRANSFER_COMPLETED_EVENT) { LOG.info("Upload complete!!!"); } }

It looks like you are running some deprecated code.

In com.amazonaws.event.ProgressEventType , value 8 refers to HTTP_REQUEST_COMPLETED_EVENT

  • COMPLETED_EVENT_CODE is deprecated
  • getEventCode is deprecated

refer to this -> https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-java/blob/master/aws-java-sdk-core/src/main/java/com/amazonaws/event/ProgressEvent.java

I updated my versions of the S3 library, generated new Access Keys and also a new bucket

Now everything works as expected

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