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GameScreen shows Black Screen

I'm currently programming a game where you have to avoid asteroids. I had to deal with some messed up coordinates and I had to guess the coordinates for sprites. I now have arbitrary units that describe my world. Unfortunately, my game screen does not work fully. When I want to render my asteroids the game screen shows a black screen.

public class GameScreen extends Screen {

private OrthographicCamera cam;
private Spaceship spaceship;
private Asteroids asteroids;
private Background bg;

public void create() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    bg = new Background();
    spaceship = new Spaceship();
    asteroids = new Asteroids();

    float aspectratio = 16/10;

    cam = new OrthographicCamera(100, 100 * aspectratio);

    cam.position.set(cam.viewportWidth / 2f, cam.viewportHeight / 2f, 0);



public void render(SpriteBatch batch) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub




The shown code above works just fine and shows me this:


When I add the render method for the asteroids in the GameScreen class the GameScreen is just black:

    public void render(SpriteBatch batch) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub





Asteroid Class:

public class Asteroid {

private Vector2 p;
private Vector2 v;

private float mass;
private float radius;

public final float maxV = 200;
public final float minV = 50;

public final float rMin = 10;
public final float rMax = 30;

public final float minX = MyGdxGame.WIDTH;
public final float minY = MyGdxGame.HEIGHT;;

float alpha = MathUtils.random(0, 360);

public Asteroid(float maxX, float maxY, List<Asteroid> asteroids) {

    do {

    radius = MathUtils.random(rMin, rMax);
    masse = radius * radius * radius;

    float alpha = MathUtils.random(0, 360);

    p = new Vector2(MathUtils.random(minX, maxX), MathUtils.random(minY,

    float vBetrag = MathUtils.random(minV, maxV);

    v = new Vector2(vBetrag * MathUtils.cosDeg(alpha),
            vBetrag * MathUtils.cosDeg(alpha));
    } while (ueberlappMit(asteroids));


private boolean ueberlappMit(List<Asteroid> asteroids) {

    for(Asteroid a: asteroids){
        if(abstand(a) < radius + a.radius + 10){ //!
            return true;

    return false;


public void update(float deltaT, float xMin, float xMax, float yMin, float yMax) {
    p.x += v.x * deltaT;
    p.y += v.y * deltaT;

    while(p.x > xMax)
        p.x -=  (xMax - xMin);  
    while(p.x < xMin)
        p.x += (xMax - xMin);
    while(p.y > yMax)
        p.y -= (yMax - yMin); 
    while(p.y < yMin)
        p.y += (yMax - yMin); 

public float abstand(Asteroid a2) {

    return p.dst(a2.p);


Asteroids Class:

public class Asteroids extends Entity {

private final int numberofAsteroids = 150;
private float xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax;
private List<Asteroid> asteroids = new ArrayList<Asteroid>();

private final int cyclicBoundaryConditionsMultiple = 2; 

public Asteroids() {

    xMin = MyGdxGame.WIDTH * (-cyclicBoundaryConditionsMultiple);
    xMax = MyGdxGame.WIDTH * (cyclicBoundaryConditionsMultiple);
    yMin = MyGdxGame.HEIGHT * (-cyclicBoundaryConditionsMultiple);
    yMax = MyGdxGame.HEIGHT * (cyclicBoundaryConditionsMultiple); 

    for (int i = 0; i < anzahl; i++) {
        Asteroid a = new Asteroid( xMax,  yMax, asteroids);


public void update() {

    for (Asteroid a : asteroids) {
        a.update(Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime(), xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax);

    for (int i = 0; i < numberofAsteroids; i++) {

        Asteroid a1 = asteroids.get(i);

        for (int j = i + 1; j < anzahl; j++) {

            Asteroid a2 = asteroids.get(j);

            float abstand = a1.abstand(a2);

            if (abstand < a1.getRadius() + a2.getRadius()) {

                calculateCollision(a1, a2);






public void render(ShapeRenderer renderer) {

    for (Asteroid a : asteroids) {

        System.out.println("RENDER A");

        renderer.setColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
        renderer.circle(a.getP().x, a.getP().y, a.getRadius());



Thx alot for your help Guys, i solved the problem. The method private boolean ueberlappMit(List asteroids) checks if the asteroids overlap and if its the case the Asteroids shoud be created again. The Problem was that by selecting a too high radius the Game got stuck in the do while loop in the Asteroid class.

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