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asp.net MVC routing eror 404

i dont understand the rooting in ASP.net ; im missing something with this ? this is my root :

                name: "ChampionID",
                url: "Champion/ChampionById/id",
                defaults: new { controller = "Champion", action = "ChampionById", id = "5" }

this is my Controler :

public class ChampionController : Controller
    public ActionResult ChampionById(string x)
        ChampionId ch = new ChampionId();
        ch.Id = x;
        return View(ch);

if you can help me with this i will be thankful

Forget routes.MapRoute. Just wire up all routes and then put the route as an attribute like this:

public class ChampionController : Controller
    public ActionResult ChampionById(string id)
       ChampionId ch = new ChampionId();
       ch.Id = id;
       return View(ch);

Also x should be id. Then just remove routes.MapRoute. Then make sure you have a corresponding cshtml file called ChampionById.

Change your route to below to fit you ActionResult like below:

                name: "ChampionID",
                url: "Champion/ChampionById/{id}",
                defaults: new { controller = "Champion", action = "ChampionById", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

Note what I have updated with 'id'

Here all requests with 'Champion/ChampionById/' pattern will be mapped to this route and any thing after 'Champion/ChampionById/' will be the 'id parameter'. Since it is marked as optional on the route this can be null too. So better check for it.

public class ChampionController : Controller
    public ActionResult ChampionById(string id)
        ChampionId ch = new ChampionId();

        if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
            ch.Id = id;
            return View(ch);
        //<TODO> : handle when your id parameter is null
        return View(ch);

edit your route.

                name: "ChampionID",
                url: "Champion/ChampionById/{x}",
                defaults: new { controller = "Champion", action = "ChampionById", x = UrlParameter.Optional }

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