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How to use a custom Qt C++ type with a QML slot?

I want to use my C++ type registered in QML as parameter in QML slot. So I already have C++ signal which has QString type parameter:

emit newMessage(myString);

and QML slot:

onNewMessage: {

Now I want to pass C++ type registered in QML as parameter of this slot. I found similar question , but I don't understand how I can use this vice versa. Any help will be useful.

So Lets say you wanted to pass a QObject derived file back and forth from C++ to QML via a signal/slot setup.

  class MyClass : public QObject
      explicit MyClass(QObject *parent = 0);

      void sendSignal(MyClass* anotherMyClass)
  public slots:
       void  send_signals()  {   emit sendSignal(this); }

If you have a C++ type called MyClass which is a QObject-based type, and you successfully did

    qmlRegisterType<MyClass>("com.myapp", 1, 0, "MyClass");

Then In QML all you have to do is this:

  import QtQuick 2.0
  import com.myapp

  Item {
        MyClass {
              id: myInstance
              Component.OnCompleted: {
                  // connect signal to javascript function
                  myInstance.sendSignal.connect( myInstance.receiveSignal);
              function receiveSignal(mySentObject) {
                      // here is your QObject sent via Signal
                      var  receivedObject = mySentObject;

                     // Now to send it back 
                    //  (will cause an endless loop)

                     //  or you could do this to perform 
                      // the same endless loop

                     //  or you could do this to perform 
                      // the same endless loop



You can just send any QObject-derived object as long as its registered with the QML engine as the actual object, you just treat it like any other type in QML

Hope this helps

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