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C# JSON.NET remove strings with ","

My last question to json.net:

My file contains some of those guys here:

      "type": "06A, 06B, 06C, 06D, 06E",
      "qt": "6-8-",
      "id": "06A, 06B, 06C, 06D, 06E6-8-"

Now I want to clean my file and remove all objects where the type contains a comma or ",".

I already read this: C# remove json child node using newtonsoft but there is no possibility to remove the object if it contains a special char...

I would really appreciate any help!

At the moment I have:

public void filter()
        string sourcePath = @Settings.Default.folder;
        string pathToSourceFile = Path.Combine(sourcePath, "file.json");

        string list = File.ReadAllText(pathToSourceFile);
        Temp temporaray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Temp>(list);


Rather than deserializing to a temporary Temp type, you can use LINQ to JSON to parse the JSON and remove objects containing a "type" property matching your criterion:

var root = JToken.Parse(json);

if (root is JContainer)
    // If the root token is an array or object (not a primitive)
    var query = from obj in ((JContainer)root).Descendants().OfType<JObject>()  // Iterate through all JSON objects 
                let type = obj["type"] as JValue                                // get the value of the property "type"
                where type != null && type.Type == JTokenType.String 
                    && ((string)type).Contains(",")                             // If the value is a string that contains a comma
                select obj;                                                     // Select the object
    foreach (var obj in query.ToList())
        // Remove the selected object

Sample fiddle .

Then to serialize to a file with name fileName , you can serialize the root object as shown in Serialize JSON to a file :

using (var file = File.CreateText(fileName))
    var serializer = JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented });
    serializer.Serialize(file, root);

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