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Sending data from service to BroadCastReceiver Activity

I have a problem by sending data from Service to new Activity in Android throught BroadcastReceiver....


    package gavrilyuk.com.example.bleservice2;

import android.app.Service;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.location.Location;
import android.location.LocationListener;
import android.location.LocationManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.Log;
import android.widget.Toast;

 * Created by gavriluks on 12.09.2016.
public class LocationService extends Service {

    public static final String BROADCAST_ACTION = "COORDS_RECEIVED";
    private static final int TWO_MINUTES = 1000 * 60 * 2;
    public LocationManager locationManager;
    public MyLocationListener listener;
    public Location previousBestLocation = null;

    Intent intent;
    int counter = 0;

    public void onCreate()
        intent = new Intent(BROADCAST_ACTION);

        Log.d("SERVICE_CREATE", String.valueOf(intent));

    public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId)
        locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
        listener = new MyLocationListener();
        locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 4000, 0, listener);
        locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 4000, 0, listener);

    public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {
        locationManager = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
        listener = new MyLocationListener();
        locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER, 4000, 0, listener);
        locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER, 4000, 0, listener);

        return START_STICKY;
//        return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId);

    public IBinder onBind(Intent intent)
        return null;

    protected boolean isBetterLocation(Location location, Location currentBestLocation) {
        if (currentBestLocation == null) {
            // A new location is always better than no location
            return true;

        // Check whether the new location fix is newer or older
        long timeDelta = location.getTime() - currentBestLocation.getTime();
        boolean isSignificantlyNewer = timeDelta > TWO_MINUTES;
        boolean isSignificantlyOlder = timeDelta < -TWO_MINUTES;
        boolean isNewer = timeDelta > 0;

        // If it's been more than two minutes since the current location, use the new location
        // because the user has likely moved
        if (isSignificantlyNewer) {
            return true;
            // If the new location is more than two minutes older, it must be worse
        } else if (isSignificantlyOlder) {
            return false;

        // Check whether the new location fix is more or less accurate
        int accuracyDelta = (int) (location.getAccuracy() - currentBestLocation.getAccuracy());
        boolean isLessAccurate = accuracyDelta > 0;
        boolean isMoreAccurate = accuracyDelta < 0;
        boolean isSignificantlyLessAccurate = accuracyDelta > 200;

        // Check if the old and new location are from the same provider
        boolean isFromSameProvider = isSameProvider(location.getProvider(),

        // Determine location quality using a combination of timeliness and accuracy
        if (isMoreAccurate) {
            return true;
        } else if (isNewer && !isLessAccurate) {
            return true;
        } else if (isNewer && !isSignificantlyLessAccurate && isFromSameProvider) {
            return true;
        return false;

    /** Checks whether two providers are the same */
    private boolean isSameProvider(String provider1, String provider2) {
        if (provider1 == null) {
            return provider2 == null;
        return provider1.equals(provider2);

    public void onDestroy() {
        // handler.removeCallbacks(sendUpdatesToUI);
        Log.v("STOP_SERVICE", "DONE");

    public static Thread performOnBackgroundThread(final Runnable runnable) {
        final Thread t = new Thread() {
            public void run() {
                try {
                } finally {

        return t;

    public class MyLocationListener implements LocationListener

        public void onLocationChanged(final Location loc)
            Log.i("**************************************", "Location changed");
            if(isBetterLocation(loc, previousBestLocation)) {

                Log.d("LOCATION_SERVICE", String.valueOf(loc));


                intent.putExtra("Latitude", loc.getLatitude());
                intent.putExtra("Longitude", loc.getLongitude());
                intent.putExtra("Provider", loc.getProvider());
//                intent.addFlags(intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
//                startActivity(intent);

        public void onProviderDisabled(String provider)
            Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), "Gps Disabled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show();

        public void onProviderEnabled(String provider)
            Toast.makeText( getApplicationContext(), "Gps Enabled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        public void onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras)




ACtivity in which I want to receive info from Service:

package gavrilyuk.com.example.bleservice2;

import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

public class eceiverActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    BroadcastReceiver receiver;
    IntentFilter filter;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    protected void onStart() {
        filter = new IntentFilter();

        receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
            public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
                Log.d("RECEIVER_ACTIVITY", "TEST");

        registerReceiver(receiver, filter);

    protected void onDestroy() {

EDIT startService:

private static final int SPLASH_DISPLAY_LENGTH = 1000;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable(){
            public void run() {
                /* Create an Intent that will start the Menu-Activity. */
//                startService(new Intent(MainActivity.this, MyService.class));
                startService(new Intent(MainActivity.this, LocationService.class));

in manifest I registred Service and activity... Can anyone help me, because I can't figure out why I cant receive info in Activity... seems that onReceive doesn't fire up... And i can't get it to work...

SOLVED PROBLEM So I was solved this communication problem in second way:

private static ReceiverActivity ins = null;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {.. ins = this; ..}
    public static ReceiverActivity getInstance()
        Log.d("RECEIVER_ACTIVITY", "Instance => " + ins);

        return ins;
    public void updateTextView(final double lat, final double lng)
        ReceiverActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                txt_coords = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.txtCoords);
                txt_coords.setText("Latitude: " + lat + "\r\n" + "Longitude: " + lng);

From what can I see, you're registering the broadcast receiver but didn't start the service at all so onStartCommand is never been fired. If you want to receive data from service to this eceiverActivity you need to start the service in this activity and not in another activity ( MainActivity ).

    protected void onStart() {

      Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(eceiverActivity .this, LocationService.class);

        filter = new IntentFilter();

        receiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
            public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
                Log.d("RECEIVER_ACTIVITY", "TEST");

        registerReceiver(receiver, filter);

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