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No line between points in Gmap.Net route

I'm using Gmap.Net on windows form, I want to draw track of an object when I receive its position, I use Routes for this. When I add points to a route, no line is seen on the map, but when I change the zoom of the map, they appear on the map. Also when I set the position of the map after adding a point to the route ( gMapControl1.Position = new PointLatLng(...) ), it works correctly and I see the route lines on the map, any idea? My code is like below.

void NewDataReceived(DeviceInfo deviceinf)
    //---some codes
    //----For the first time I add layer and route 
    if (deviceOverLay == null)
        deviceOverLay = new GMapOverlay(deviceinf.DeviceId.ToString());
        deviceRoute = new GMapRoute(new List<PointLatLng>(), deviceinf.DeviceName);
        //Add all your points here
        deviceRoute.Points.Add(new PointLatLng(deviceinf.Latitude, deviceinf.Longitude));
        deviceRoute.Tag = deviceinf;
        deviceOverLay.Routes[0].Points.Add(new PointLatLng(deviceinf.Latitude, deviceinf.Longitude));

    //if I call this line it works, but I don't want it
    // gMapControl1.Position = new PointLatLng(deviceinf.Latitude, deviceinf.Longitude);  
    //---some codes

Try using


This updates the local positions and does a redraw.

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