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Sequence diagram with user interaction

I am trying to draw a sequence diagram that requires user interaction. I tried to look for example online but I can't find it can anyone point me to the right direction?

I would like to draw a sequence on the ios application where I click a button that trigger the camera and wait for user to take the photo. Next this photo will be save to my database. My difficulty is how can I draw a sequence flow which ask for user input? Is there a controller that I need to add into my sequence diagram eg iosManager for triggering the camera?

I would likely model it like this:


Complaint is the screen from where you start your complaint. It triggers the camera which comes up with it's own Camera GUI that awaits the shutter click and returns after that. The Camera controller then saves the picture and returns to the Complaint screen.

You could show the ViewController (Swift) and use an IBAction for the button press and an IBOutlet or whatever your choice for the prompt. However, I think you should feel free to add an "actor" (same character as in the use case diagram) that receives the prompt and presses the camera button if that speaks better to you.

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