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Razor/C# date to Javascript

I have a Razor/C# date coming from a controller I am calling from jQuery AJAX. The controller triggers and I am pulling it back through HttpContext.Current.Session in my View.

I am getting a date back when I debug the View and the Razor, BUT the issue is I keep getting date to format correctly in the Javascript. I keep trying to console out the output and it keeps giving me an error: "Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"

The output in Chrome's Developer window is: 会话日期问题

You can see that for some reason teh date is either not converting to a string properly or there is some sort of formatting happening that I am just not seeing or understanding. Any help is appreciated.

My JS and Razor is below:

 function UpdateShowTimeList() {
         var dateFromHubTimeList = DateTime.MinValue;
         var objTimeList = HttpContext.Current.Session["CalendarSelectedDate"];

         if(objTimeList != null)
             dateFromHubTimeList = Convert.ToDateTime(objTimeList);


   //Keep getting error on this line and have NO idea why
    console.log("Session Selected Date Show Time List: " +  @dateFromHubTimeList.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm"));

  //jQuery AJAX is here and is working.


console.log('Session Selected Date Show Time List: @dateFromHubTimeList.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm")');

You can use the following code in your console.log :

'@dateFromHubTimeList.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm")'

Note: I put single quotes around my Razor code to make its result as js string .


console.log("Session Selected Date Show Time List: " +  
            '@dateFromHubTimeList.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm")');

Also you have another options for different cases


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