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Will a 32-bit DirectShow filter work on a 64-bit Windows?

Specifically, got a DirectShow filter library in an .AX file, containing the Guliverkli MP4 splitter (version "20050310") downloaded from the MPC/Guliverkli SourceForge pages.

I am experimenting with different DirectShow MPEG-4 splitters using GraphStudioNext (64-bit version), but now I see that it fails to import the filter from file (Graph -> Import Filter from File), giving me error 0x800700C1 when I try to search the AX file for filter CLSIDs.

I suspect this has to do with the fact that the filter is a 32-bit DLL (extension AX, but no matter) while the system and thus its DirectShow subsystem are 64-bit (Windows 7).

Is it the nature of these things? I simply cannot use 32-bit filters here?

Tried also regsvr32 MP4Splitter.ax but it got me error 0x80070005, I assume it is much the same problem, but in a different wrapping.

I tried a 64-bit filter for comparison -- the MPEG-4 splitter from GDCL -- and it was imported into the above Graph Studio Next without a hitch.

What I want to know specifically is -- can a 32-bit DirectShow filter be installed on 64-bit system, and if it could, am I going about it wrong way?

What I want to know specifically is -- can a 32-bit DirectShow filter be installed on 64-bit system, and if it could, am I going about it wrong way?

In 64-bit OS, 32-bit application use 32-bit filters (.DLL, .AX etc) and 64-bit applications use 64-bit filters.

More specifically, 32-bit build of GraphStudioNext work with (lists, uses etc) 32-bit filters only. 64-bit of GraphStudioNext only deals with 64-bit filters.

The problems you are experiencing trying to use mentioned filters are specific to these filters or even builds (such as, for example, a missing dependency or the are built with a DEP-unfriendly compiler etc).

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