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Why is console.log not a function in Shiny for R?

I include JavaScript in Shinys ui.R like this:


Within my someJs.js I have a function

function someFunc1() {

... some more code ...


The console.log is outside of the function soemFunc1() . When I start the App and have a look at the console, I get

console.log() is not a function.

Why is that?

I also load d3 in the head tags$head(tags$script(src="d3.v3.min.js")) . When I try d3.select... in the console, I also get

d3 is not a function.

However, I use d3 in my app for styling.

What is Shiny doing with the js . Is there an object where it attaches everything to?!

Here a an example, easy to reproduce.



                    tags$div(id = "test", "test test test")




shinyServer(function(input, output) {


create a www folder in the same directory where server.R and ui.R are and save a js file with the name test.js with the following content:

console.log("This will cause error")

Now, go ahead and open the console. It says

console.log() is not a function

Try type into the console of the browser d3 . It says

d3 is not a function.

console.log() is a JavaScript function, so you cannot call it in R-Shiny and expect it to run in JavaScript. You have to explicitly tell Shiny to make that call in JavaScript.

Since it is a fairly common operation for me, I included it in the package shinyjs , you can call the logjs() function in R and it will write output to the javascript console.


    ui = fluidPage(
        shinyjs::useShinyjs() # Set up shinyjs
    server = function(input, output) {

I'm not sure I fully understand what you are trying to do, but if you are trying to use console.log() in the JavaScript to see something in the JavaScript console then you shouldn't have a problem:

ui <- shinyUI(fluidPage(
        "console.log('Here is some text');"

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {

# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

If you run this, and then inspect the page using Chrome or RStudio's web-browser, and click on console, which gives you the JavaScript console, you will see the output from the console.log() function.

If you want to print to the R console you have to use print or cat from the server.

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