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Angular app http call custom service failing

I'm making a little angular app to show info about the english premier league. I want to make a service to deal with making http calls cos I do it a few times on the page and I don't want to repeat everything. Here is my table.js TableController, which is used for building a league table/


.controller("tableCtrl", TableController);

TableController.inject = ['httpService'];

function TableController(service){
  var apiUrl = "http://api.football-data.org/v1/soccerseasons/426/leagueTable";

var vm.this;
vm.data = response.data;

And here is the service I've made to run the http requests, service.js:


.factory("httpService", httpService);

httpService.inject = ['$http'];

function httpService($http){
var apiKey = '971acba677654cdb919a7ccebd5621e2';
var vm = this;
vm.data = [];

  headers: { 'X-Auth-Token': apiKey },
  method: "GET",
  url: apiUrl
}).then(function(response) {
  vm.data = response.data;
  return vm.data;

When I run it I get the following error:

Error: [$injector:unpr] http://errors.angularjs.org/1.5.8/$injector/unpr?p0=serviceProvider%20%3C-%20service%20%3C-%20tableCtrl

Where am I going wrong here?

Check the controller you used, the controller function paramater is httpService, and you used inside is HttpService. Please chaeck that, Its case sensitive.

Try with change your service like that:


    .factory("httpService", httpService);

    httpService.$inject = ['$http'];

    function httpService($http){
     return {
       getListFromURL : getListFromURL

     function getListFromURL(apiUrl){
      var apiKey = '971acba677654cdb919a7ccebd5621e2';
      var vm = this;
      vm.data = [];

      return $http({
       headers: { 'X-Auth-Token': apiKey },
       method: "GET",
       url: apiUrl
      }).then(function(response) {
        vm.data = response.data;
        return vm.data;

And call the function in controller like this:

TableController.$inject = ['httpService'];

function TableController(service){
  var apiUrl = "http://api.footballdata.org/v1/soccerseasons/426/leagueTable";

    //data here is vm.data

Hope this help !

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