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Active record, results illustration

Can someone explain this?

Post.where(:p_date => ((Time.now - 7.days)..(Time.now))).count
-> 4507
Post.where(:p_date => ((Time.now - 7.days).beginning_of_day..(Time.now).end_of_day)).count
-> 4794

While p_date is only date type without time.

Thank you

If p_date is a date column, pass dates into your query

Post.where(p_date: (7.day.ago.to_date .. Date.today)).count

which uses this query

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE (`posts`.`p_date` BETWEEN '2016-09-08' AND '2016-09-15')

If you pass in time objects, the database will automatically compare against 0:00:00 time (at least on mysql and postgres) which is where you get your discrepancy from.

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