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How to ignore/skip complete testng class containing few test methods & BeforeClass & AfterClass methods

I have testng.xml suppose,

<suite name="TestSuite" parallel="false">
  <test name="smoke" preserve-order="true" verbose="2">
            <include name="smoke"/>
        <class name="com.testClass1"/>
        <class name="com.testClass2"/>

This may contain more classes close to 10-15, this is my generic testng.xml, from different set of testdata, what I want is to skip com.testClass1 classs, for particular case, and rest of test should execute.

I tried with implementing my class using, IAnnotationTransformer listener of testng.

the code snippet is,

public class SkipTestClass implements IAnnotationTransformer{
        private SessionProfile profile=null;
        public void transform(ITestAnnotation annotation, Class testClass,
                  Constructor testConstructor, Method testMethod) {
            if (testMethod != null) {
                      Test test = testMethod.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotation(Test.class);
                      if (test != null && !test.enabled() && testMethod.getDeclaringClass().getClass().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("com.testClass1")) {



and calling this listener at Test Class level,as


Expected Result: I am assuming, only this class com.testClass1 & it's testmethods & beforeclass & afterclass methods should skip and rest of suite should execute.

Actual Result: Whole suite is getting skipped.

Any Help, please?

Whole suite is getting skipped.

I suppose it is because the run fails somewhere because your listener looks good. You can set a higher verbose level to check what is happening.

BTW, IMethodInterceptor is a better listener choice because it doesn't depend on annotation which may be or not present on class and/or test.

public List<IMethodInstance> intercept(List<IMethodInstance> methods, ITestContext context) {
  List<IMethodInstance> result = new ArrayList<IMethodInstance>();
  for (IMethodInstance m : methods) {
    if (m.getDeclaringClass() != testClass1.class) {
  return result;

And prefer to add this listener in the suite description:

<suite name="TestSuite" parallel="false">
    <listener class-name="...MyListener"/>
  <test name="smoke" preserve-order="true" verbose="2">
            <include name="smoke"/>
        <class name="com.testClass1"/>
        <class name="com.testClass2"/>

You can use suite to exclude/include test cases.

                     /* USERRestServiceTest.class*/

  public class JunitTestSuite


and then use the runner

public class TestRunner {

public void testAll() {
    Result result = JUnitCore.runClasses(JunitTestSuite.class);
      for (Failure failure : result.getFailures()) {
      if (result.wasSuccessful()) {
          System.out.println("All tests finished successfully...");

More details - TestRunner Documentation

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