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Kendo Grid and Modal MVC 5

I'm trying to display a selected row of my kendo grid :

    .Columns(columns =>
        columns.Bound(c => c.item1);
        columns.Bound(c => c.item2);
        columns.Bound(c => c.item3);
    }).HtmlAttributes(new { style = "text-align: center;" })
            .Pageable(pageable => pageable
            .Selectable(selectable => selectable
                    .DataSource(dataSource => dataSource
                    .Read(read => read.Action("GetItem", "ItemTest"))
                    .Events( events=> events.Change("onItemChange").DataBound("onGridDataBound"))

with this js :

@section ScriptsBottom
    <script type="text/javascript">

        // On grid row selection/click
        function onItemChange(e) {

            var grid = e.sender;
            var selectedItem = grid.dataItem(this.select());

        function displaySelectedItem() {


I don't know how to bind and display data of the selected row to my popup, can you help me ?

The following example shows a pretty similar scenario:


The idea is to use kendo.bind() with the modal container and pass the selected data item object.

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