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Java Flight Recorder throws FileNotFoundException

Java Flight Recorder throws IO error:

Could not download recording for My Recording. java.io.FileNotFoundException: No chunks

Screenshot: http://s016.radikal.ru/i334/1609/86/02219bfb4c69.png

I use these JVM flags:

java -jar ^
-server ^
-XX:+UnlockCommercialFeatures ^
-XX:+FlightRecorder ^
-XX:StartFlightRecording=delay=5s,duration=40s,name=myrecording,filename=C:\JFR\1.jfr ^

Have you tried without delay=5s?

You may get an error message on standard out if you start the recording directly. You can also try to start with:


to get more information when it starts the recording.

Your user name, and therefore your temporary directory, contains characters that are not in the 7-bit ASCII set, which seems to confuse Flight Recorder. I've had the same issue with Swedish characters in user names on Windows.

In my case problem was solved when I set the TMP environment variable to a path with only plain characters.

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