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Iterative loop of files in folder with puppet

I have a set of files in a folder. I would like to pass an array of the files in a folder to some function. I saw the following example

$files= ["C:/dir/file1", "C:/dir/file2", "C:/dir/file3",
         "C:/dir/file4", "C:/dir/file5"]

# function call with lambda:
$binaries.each |String $binary| {
  file {"/usr/bin/$binary":
    ensure => file,

but instead of declaring files manually, can I read all the files from a directory and pass it to some function?

You can use Dir to fetch all files using some pattern. For example:

[1] pry(main)> Dir["/Users/smefju/tmp/*"]
=> ["/Users/smefju/tmp/a.rb",

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