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How to fix the width of any column when creating a table?

I'm trying to put a 2 columns table in a new MSWord document using java2word but I'm unable to fix the width of the columns. Here the code:

Table tbl = new Table();
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TH, "Descriptions", "");
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TD, "Description",   "cette case sert à afficher les détails");
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TD, "pers appelées", "Marc, Stéphane, Bernard");
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TD, "liste",         "vide pour l'instant");
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TD, "Fonctions",     "Chef, administrateur, employé");
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TD, "code",          "select * from personne");
myDoc.addEle(new BreakLine(2));

I would like to set the width of the 1th column to [3 cm], and also make the 1th column unwrappable (doesn't split the row in 2 rows).

Is anybody can help ?

The new code look like this now:

Table tbl = new Table(3.0f, 14.0f); //Sizes of the columns in cm
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TH, "Descriptions", "");
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TD, "Description",   "cette case sert à afficher les détails");
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TD, "pers appelées", "Marc, Stéphane, Bernard");
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TD, "liste",         "vide pour l'instant");
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TD, "Fonctions",     "Chef, administrateur, employé");
tbl.addTableEle(TableEle.TD, "code",          "select * from personne");
myDoc.addEle(new BreakLine(2));

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