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Unable to load Angular templates cross-domain with custom headers in requests

we have a project for a client that consists of 3 different websites, and we wanted to re-use as much code as possible. We have one project that contains the bulk of the core Angular JavaScript / templates for directives etc.

We are using ASP.NET 4 and Angular 1.5.5.

I am able to render out a template that's held in Project 1 from Project 2 using the absolute URL with CORS enabled.

However, we are also using a request interceptor for authentication for Single-Sign-On between applications, using the request headers. This stops the cross-domain templates from being pulled over into Project 2 with the following error: XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://localhost:44302/path/to/template.html. Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 405 XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://localhost:44302/path/to/template.html. Response for preflight has invalid HTTP status code 405 .

If I remove the code that is setting an 'Authorization' header, the template works perfectly cross-domain.

It looks like the only difference in the request with the interceptor is it has the following headers:

access-control-request-headers:authorization access-control-request-method:GET

Could this be causing the template to not be loaded?

This was solved by setting up CORS in the ASP.NET web side instead of the Angular side.

We enabled it in the Startup.cs file with a private method. We have a Web.config setting called Cors.AllowedOrigins which contains a ; separated string with each application we want to allow in CORS.

    private void EnableCors(IAppBuilder app)
        var policy = new CorsPolicy
            AllowAnyMethod = true,
            AllowAnyHeader = true

        var origins = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Cors.AllowedOrigins"];
        if (origins != null)
            foreach (var origin in origins.Split(';'))
            policy.AllowAnyOrigin = true;

        var corsOptions = new CorsOptions
            PolicyProvider = new CorsPolicyProvider
                PolicyResolver = context => Task.FromResult(policy)

And we called this in the Configuration method, passing the IAppBuilder .

Adding the header makes the browser make a preflight OPTIONS request, and the server returns a 405 for that OPTIONS request. The browser then aborts the "real" request. Only simple requests can be made without the need of this preflight request. You can only use a limited set of headers to qualify as simple request

If you can serve the template on the same domain and port, it will not be a CORS request and this preflight request will not be made. If not, you can send the correct response to the OPTIONS request using this guide .

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