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using the map function with timeit in Python

I am learning python and am looking at the difference in performance between using comprehension and the map function.

So far, I have this code:

import timeit

print timeit.timeit('[x for x in range(100)]',number = 10000)

def mapFunc(i):
    print i

print timeit.timeit('map(mapFunc,range(100))',number = 10000)

After trying this, I have managed to get the list comprehension method to work correctly using timeit, however, I would like to compare this to the map function. When doing this, I get the error that mapFunc is not defined, and I do not know how to fix this issue. Can someone please help?

You should setup the function definition via the setup argument:

>>> setup='def mapFunc(): print(i)'
>>> timeit.timeit('map(mapFunc,range(100))', number=10000, setup=setup)

See the timeit doc reference

PS Probably not a good idea to use map for printing.

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