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ECMAScript 5 - Error Missing class properties transform

I am implementing the Class extend and i get this error Missing class properties transform .

The Component was

import React from ('react')

const Manna = React.createClass({,

  initVal: {
       likes: 10,

   render() {
     // code
      return {
        // code



module.exports = Manna 

and changed to

import React from 'react';

export default class Manna extends React.Component {

  InitVal: {
    likes: 10

  render() {
     // code
    return {
       // code



This is my configuration in webpack.config.dev.js

  test: /\.js$/,
  loaders: 'babel?presets[]=react,presets[]=es2015,presets[]=stage-0',
  include: path.join(__dirname, 'client')

I have changed the loader following this answer

Before it was loaders: ['babel']

I have also added to .babelrc the plugin


This is the error in the console

 Missing class properties transform.
  15 |   // },
  16 | 
> 17 |   InitVal: {
     |   ^
  18 |     likes: 10,
  19 |     code: "2",
  20 |     size: 350,

I do not understand why it is complaining now for Missing class properties transform, what is wrong in the component?, everything was working fine before of these changes

Here a gist with the full React component

Try with =

import React from 'react';

export default class Manna extends React.Component {

  InitVal = {
    likes: 10

  render() {
     // code
    return {
       // code



Check this


Since we are using stage-0 and transform-class-properties is included in stage-2 , we don't have to include it manually in .babelrc under plugins . The following configuration works fine: "presets": ["es2015", "stage-0", "react"] .

In the gist at line 5 InitVal is written with an uppercase i while at line 39 is written with a lowercase i : initVal . Additionally render method returns an Object Literal, which is invalid, a single child element as to be returned as explained here .

Here is the official documentation for react components defined as es6 classes.

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