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ASP.NET Web API controller with attribute routing doesn't work without a route name

I use attribute routing , but when I specify an empty Route attribute I get the following error:

405.0 - Method Not Allowed

However, if I add a route name in the attribute, like [Route("bar")] , everything works as expected.

Why would one of these action methods work as expected, while the other one yields a 405 error?

public partial class MyController : ApiController
   [System.Web.Http.Route("bar")] // I am able to POST to /foo/bar
   public async Task<MyResponseModel> BarMethod([FromBody]MyArgumentsModel arguments)


   [System.Web.Http.Route] // Error when I POST to /foo, "Method Not Allowed"
   public async Task<MyResponseModel> FooMethod([FromBody]MyArgumentsModel arguments)


Any ideas what I could be missing?

You need to include an empty string to the route attribute [Route("")] in order for it to work as the default route when using the route prefix.

The following article shows how it is done

Source: Attribute Routing in ASP.NET Web API 2

The result of the suggested change would look like this

public partial class MyController : ApiController {
   //eg POST foo/bar
   public async Task<MyResponseModel> BarMethod([FromBody]MyArgumentsModel arguments) {

   //eg POST foo    
   public async Task<MyResponseModel> FooMethod([FromBody]MyArgumentsModel arguments) {

Attribute routing can be combined with convention-based routing. To define convention-based routes, call the MapHttpRoute method.

public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // Attribute routing.

        // Convention-based routing.
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional } );

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