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How to call build.gradle from another build.gradle

I have a project (Main project with sub projects) structure



The ProjectMain need jar Project1/release/my.jar . In build.gradle for Project1 I release logic for creatting jar. It is necessary that when ProjectMain assebly used dependency of my.jar .

How I can do it? (desirable with groovy code).

PS before I used ant, and write simple xml and it works

<target name="one"?
    <path id="project.classpath">
              <fileset dir="${Project1.release}">
                  <patternset includes="**/*.jar"/>

<target name="Two">
    <javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${out}" debug="on">
              <classpath refid="project.classpath"/>

"calling" a different build.gradle isn't the right way to go about this. You should look into gradle multi-project setup If you setup as a multi-project, gradle manages building upstream dependency projects first.

If you want to run external build.gradle, you can import another build.gradle into your build.gradle by using "apply from".

Put this into "ProjectMain/Build.gradle". (I think it is local file)

apply from:"file://[PJ_DIR]/Project1/build.gradle";

And this is like Project1's build.gradle.

apply plugin: 'java'
version = 1.0
task makejar(type: Jar) {
    from sourceSets.main.output
    baseName = "my"

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