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How to convert Chinese Html String into NSString

For converting html string into NSString i am using below function

Code Snippet:

+(NSString *)getStringFromHtmlString:(NSString *)str

    NSData *stringData = [str dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    NSDictionary *options = @{NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute:NSHTMLTextDocumentType};

    NSAttributedString *decodedString;
    decodedString = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithData:stringData

    return decodedString.string;

Above method encode English text in proper format

But I want to encode Chinese text.

When Chinese string encode using above method it returns

I want proper encoding of chinese text.

You can add NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute:@(NSUTF8StringEncoding) options:

NSDictionary *options = @{NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute:NSHTMLTextDocumentType, NSCharacterEncodingDocumentAttribute:@(NSUTF8StringEncoding)};

Hope it will work.

Swift Version:

let options: [NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey: Any] = [
    .documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.html,
    .characterEncoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue

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