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JQuery Validation: How to add custom rule to two input fields but with different name value?

I use JQuery Validation( https://jqueryvalidation.org/ ) to validation my form. I write custom rule and use the rule to validation the input field.

jQuery.validator.addMethod("onlyoneuser", function (value, element) {
        var username = /^[^,,\s]*$/;
        return this.optional(element) || username.test(value);
    }, "只允许填写一位指派者");

        errorPlacement: function errorPlacement(error, element) {

        rules: {
            "aonep-roject": {
                projectcheck: true,
            "onlyoneuser": {
                onlyoneuser: true,


I would like to use the same rule to validate two input fields. But the two fields have different name values, like . How to apply the sample to these two fields ? Thank you very much!

onlyoneuser: true The true is param give onlyoneuser method.

 function (value, element,param) 
    //param == true
    //value is filed value
    //element is input

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